Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sooo Aloneee

Being alone is one of my favorite things to be. It's when I get so much done and can be alone with my thoughts. It's the no spin zone in my life. I love the quietness and just calm peace of wind the aloneness brings me. It reminds me of the first episode of Two and a Half Men when Charlie is explaining his life to Alan, how Charlie sleeps frequently and does very little work for a lot of money, all of that is the feeling aloneness brings me. It's that relaxation with no one to bother me feeling that I enjoy so much. The aloneness leaves me rested without even sleeping, I guess like Charlie Sheen I don't sleep I wait. I can plan when I'm alone for the future, on when I can squeeze in so more alone time.
I actually want more alone time, like everything enough is never enough. I get a lot but I can always have more. I have a lot of time alone but it is always interrupted by family or phone calls. I hope for a time nothing too ambitious maybe like a week, where everyone is gone and all phones are off. It would just be me relaxing all day and night with no one to ruin it. Sorta like Batman in a way, he's got that big secluded mansion where he can just relax without a care in the world with Alfred who barely counts as a person being around.
Without the aloneness I think I'd go crazy. After being locked up in the mad house also known as Central Regional High School, I need the relaxing aloneness. I just lay down after school basking in relaxation made greater without people around.
Aloneness, my favorite timeless activity that never gets old.

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