Many questions have aroused my interest and sometimes make me question my reality and importance in the cosmos. I over my short amount of years have brought many questions to my focus and I hope one day may discover their answers.
Is there a god or similarly omnipotent force in control of the universe?
Is destiny a true force to the world?
Is free will a reality of the world?
Is my dream of cryogenic freezing after death a worthwhile endeavor?
Will there ever be a sequel to Zoolander?
Why am I so awkward and weird?
Why do people like Call of Duty so much?
How does space expand?
Is there multiple universes?
What is the meaning of my life?
What is the meaning of other people's lives?
Why do the evils of the world continue to flourish?
Why does history repeat itself?
Why is it the bad history repeat itself but not the good parts of history?
Why don't the Kardashians just burst into flames?
Why hasn't Bruce Jenner offed himself yet after dealing with Kim, Kourtnee, Klhloe, and his own wife Kris?
Why is Dr. Pepper so addicting?
What are all of Dr. Pepper's flavors?
Why do the trolls continue to walk in triumph?
Why do the winners fall victim to the trolls and the losers?
Why hasn't Charlie Sheen died for his drug abuse?
Why has the ability to wear leather pants died with Jim Morrison of the Doors?
Why is Stevie Ray Vaughan dead and we can't get Bon Jovi in a helicopter?
Why when Lennon was shot did Yoko Ono not get one bullet while standing next to him?
Was Princess Diana's death an assassination?
Why is there so much racism in the world?
Where does the rain is Spain mainly fall?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why is Johnny Depp so popular?
Does the "M" in MTV now stand for mediocre?
Is Karl Lagerfeld really human?
Is William Shatner really human?
Why do only the good die young?
Why is Steven Shellen in his predicament?
Why hasn't mother nature killed us all for destroying the planet?
Why have humans become as smart as we have become?
Why are the minority of society the rulers of society?
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