Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wisdom is wise

Wisdom is a quite complex idea. What is it to being wise? Why do the wise have wisdom? It is in my opinion to be wise and thus having wisdom is to be knowledgeable. To simply be smart and greatly knowledgeable in something. One does not have to have perfect grades to have wisdom or attend the most prestigious of universities. One just has to have to be well endowed and understanding with intelligence. Wisdom can be found in all people, from the stereotypical native American elder to billionaire business men like Howard Hughes. There is no qualifications or really a test required to be deemed wise. Though a test could be an indicator of being wise. I think wisdom is pretty vague in what it can be. You could have it or you can accumulate it. You could even be wished it, all dramatically. "May the wisdom be with you" Maybe we should be wishing people it. It's really case by case basis or maybe everyone has it in something. I have wisdom, you have wisdom, and all have wisdom in some ways. Maybe humanity isn't the only ones with wisdom. People who know themselves are wise maybe knowing by understanding themselves. Maybe wisdom is the ability to use their intelligence. Applying knowledge could be wisdom. A single definition of wisdom I do not believe is possible. It's more of a vague concept. People have wisdom and do wise things. It's having intelligence in some way. I know wise people I think, that is if I knew what wisdom was. My mom has wisdom, in many aspects of life. She knows of and has the capacity to do many things. Tailoring, cooking, communicating, and her in general make her wise. The man I see in the mirror I believe is quite wise, certainly looking wise. Mr. Mannion is obviously the epitome of wisdom having the capacity to develop mind spinning blog topics. Wisdom is like intelligence, it's so undefinable. It's knowledge, it's having knowledge, or maybe it's using knowledge. Wisdom is just what wise people have and wise people have wisdom. It's left to self interpretation to determine who or what is wise. My interpretation of wisdom is just having some advanced knowledge and the will to interpret it. I could know a lot but without understanding it I would not be wise. It's easy to recognize in others. A wise person and an unwise person can say the same sentence but only the wise person will be saying anything at all. Saying a lot without saying anything at all, that sounds like most of my blogs. Wisdom is putting the meaning to ones intelligence in my opinion. To understand something, to truly know something. To not know of something but to actually know it. Wisdom is just that, it's knowing something you already know. Everyone knows of themselves but only the wise know themselves ,for example. Wisdom, it's not knowing of but it is the true understanding of something to have wisdom.

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