Sunday, February 26, 2012
Wisdom is wise
Wisdom is a quite complex idea. What is it to being wise? Why do the wise have wisdom? It is in my opinion to be wise and thus having wisdom is to be knowledgeable. To simply be smart and greatly knowledgeable in something. One does not have to have perfect grades to have wisdom or attend the most prestigious of universities. One just has to have to be well endowed and understanding with intelligence. Wisdom can be found in all people, from the stereotypical native American elder to billionaire business men like Howard Hughes. There is no qualifications or really a test required to be deemed wise. Though a test could be an indicator of being wise. I think wisdom is pretty vague in what it can be. You could have it or you can accumulate it. You could even be wished it, all dramatically. "May the wisdom be with you" Maybe we should be wishing people it. It's really case by case basis or maybe everyone has it in something. I have wisdom, you have wisdom, and all have wisdom in some ways. Maybe humanity isn't the only ones with wisdom. People who know themselves are wise maybe knowing by understanding themselves. Maybe wisdom is the ability to use their intelligence. Applying knowledge could be wisdom. A single definition of wisdom I do not believe is possible. It's more of a vague concept. People have wisdom and do wise things. It's having intelligence in some way. I know wise people I think, that is if I knew what wisdom was. My mom has wisdom, in many aspects of life. She knows of and has the capacity to do many things. Tailoring, cooking, communicating, and her in general make her wise. The man I see in the mirror I believe is quite wise, certainly looking wise. Mr. Mannion is obviously the epitome of wisdom having the capacity to develop mind spinning blog topics. Wisdom is like intelligence, it's so undefinable. It's knowledge, it's having knowledge, or maybe it's using knowledge. Wisdom is just what wise people have and wise people have wisdom. It's left to self interpretation to determine who or what is wise. My interpretation of wisdom is just having some advanced knowledge and the will to interpret it. I could know a lot but without understanding it I would not be wise. It's easy to recognize in others. A wise person and an unwise person can say the same sentence but only the wise person will be saying anything at all. Saying a lot without saying anything at all, that sounds like most of my blogs. Wisdom is putting the meaning to ones intelligence in my opinion. To understand something, to truly know something. To not know of something but to actually know it. Wisdom is just that, it's knowing something you already know. Everyone knows of themselves but only the wise know themselves ,for example. Wisdom, it's not knowing of but it is the true understanding of something to have wisdom.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The relative importance of jobs is not the easiest thing to answer. On one hand I believe all jobs are important equally as they keep the machine working. Like a watch, the biggest pieces are the most important but without the most minor of pieces the watch will not operate. Also like a watch if everyone is doing their part well like a country all works well. On the other hand the capitalism advocating side of me does not believe all jobs are not equal and as such should not be paid the same. I do believe a similar amount of respect should be given those who at least have a job regardless of perceived importance and contribute to the "machine". A job's importance in my opinion is determined on its difficulty, affect radius, and impact. A doctor for example has knowledge and must understand a large amount of afflictions and possibly classify new ones. A doctor can serve many ridden Ill people over the time of their practice. A doctor can also then cure and save lives of many and contribute a lot to society. By that I feel doctors are important. That of course is assuming the doctor does his or her job well. A doctor in my opinion is much more important than say a garbage man. If a garbage man does not do their job the world continues to spin. The world may be a smellier world but it moves on. A doctor doesn't do their job people can very well die and not get treatment. A garbage man can easily be replaced but a doctor can not be replaced due to its complexity and skill required. I think in general jobs are relatively important to each other in sort of a class structure. Doctors, teachers, police, and firefighters are in their own class of importance. Their all pretty important and involve a pretty particular skill set. Sanitation services, road workers, and similar menial jobs are in a lower class of importance due to lower impact and generally lower skill set. Above all of them is the highest class which includes public officials and similar high level positions. They are the difference makers. If say the president does a bad job or makes bad decisions, the world can be set ablaze in seconds as consequence and speaks as the head of millions. Of course these are only a examination of the more public sector. In more private sector jobs I do place high importance on certain jobs like CEOs, scientists, and designers over like a McDonalds's cashier. CEOs determine the fates of businesses and make big decisions. They can bankrupt a company with a bad decision and leave many unemployed. They bring products to the market and fuel the free market. Scientists can make great advances in our understanding of the world and can do much for people's well beings. Astronomers make take us to planets far and wide. Transhumanist thinking biologists and neurologists may gift us one day with biological immortality and neural implants to bolster our cognitive abilities. I certainly hope so as this body is on its last legs already at such a young age and lobsters and jellyfish shouldn't be the only creatures we the theoretical possibility of eternal life. Designers can bring entertainment and benefits to the world. These jobs are only right I believe in hailing them for their important. They are visionaries and difference makers who drive us forward to the future. People who do not accept boundaries or limitations certainly deserve their pay check. Overall in general I think it's the most wide reaching jobs that are the most important and drive us forward. The leader that commands the people to a brighter future. Scientists who advance our understanding. Though as a machine all people are important. All people should not have to wish they are important if they contribute to society as they already are as they are all a piece of the machine.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
What is love? *cue music*
Defining love is a pretty tough thing to do. Of course the science part of me would say its just the chemical oxytocin flowing through one's bloodstream that gives the idea of love but that does not produce 500 words or speaks for all of myself. I would try to define love as sorta the mental binding of a person to one self. Where a person becomes almost like a parasite to your mind. As a parasite that person is very painful to remove and occupies your thoughts and time. Of course it's a beneficial parasitical relationship like on that episode of Futurama where the worms make Fry more attune to things he wasn't without them. Despite the morbidity of the above it is I believe it's a valid definition. I guess love is also like money when you don't have it everything is so desolate but when you do have it your blinded, take it for granted, and you blow it. Love is like happiness in a way, many people think it can be bought but those who got it for nothing are the only ones that truly have it. Love is overrated like musician Taylor Swift and underrated like David Bowie's time as and or with Tin Machine. In terms of the senses I think love is like looking at a painting in a museum, like a reproduction of the Mona Lisa how you can't help but stare. Or like looking at the Statue of David where you want to look at it but you wonder if it's impolite to stare at it. Love is like looking into Medusa's gaze and being turned to stone. I think love feels like running your hand through your hair a couple hours after its washed, that smoothness but coupled with a little tug on the hair and oil. Love I always thought smelled like vanilla, the extract kind in the little bottles. Love sounds like proper bebop jazz, starts off slow and steady and ends stronger than it began. Love tastes like pancakes as like pancakes it's easy to try to make but difficult to master. I don't think one can find love, I think love will find you and tackle you to the ground against the sidewalk. It's likes a roller coaster of varying wave lengths. It's easy to get when you don't want it or are concerned about it. It's hard to get when you do want it or need it. People can get too much love and overdose, I think thats how you get egos like Madonna and the glorious William Shatner. I think theres alot of people who don't get the love that they should, like the heroes of this country, the middle class. They hold this country up like the Greek Titan Atlas. They keep the sky from falling down and damaging the elite's gold dining plates and foot the check for everyone's bill. More love should go to the people who's existence keeps the world spinning not royals or celebrities. I'm not sure if one has to be qualified or needs a license to love. I think it's just something you get whether you like it or not and it's not something to pass by or forsaken in its many forms.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
I personally have not taken many risks in my time. My life is one of caution. I'm not a fan of taking risks at this point of my life. I find many of the risks I have committed were things that I truly believed in and my opinion weren't risks. A risk I have committed was probably something I'll never do again and possibly shorted my risk taking. That risk was the Ill devised jumping of a ramp with my bike. It seemed perfectly feasible in my mind at the time. Not exactly too much to do just drive off the little ramp. I had faith I could do it, perhaps a little too much faith. I biked around in circles that is to say if that is the proper term. I did that of course to get my sea legs to borrow an unrelated term. I then with some speed went over the ramp and then the ramp moved ever so slightly. My bike with me on it then tumbled over itself. I landing on my face was not fun. My face was somewhat cut up not too bad though. Some cuts some bruises but I was more in shock. Getting up from the hard ground kinda shook me up. This probably was a risk I'll never take again that also prevented some risk taking in the future. I have some other small risks of course. Wearing shorts and more warm whether clothing in the winter is a risk for getting Ill. Of course waiting until the last minute to do work is a risk. I taking risks in my works sometimes, adding stuff that's different that very well could fall flat. I find the sole sporting activity I did was a risk. I could have certainly crashed and burned that day at eagle relays. The doom and gloom sky looming down upon me as I was on the track ready to go. I think all sports competitions are risks I would think. I risked life and limb although on quite a small scale. I risked probably my self respect and self value if I failed miserably. Maybe I could have tripped and fell and then spent the rest of my days sobbing in my dark bedroom all overdramatic. That of course payed off I did not succumb to a cruel fate as I had succeeded. Second place was in my opinion fantastic as I set out to do something completely out of my comfort zone and I had won. Truly I have not many risks in the physical realm. I protect myself from danger and am cautious of bodily harm. It's not like I have a skeleton encased with adamantium like Wolverine or a cybernetic body or sub dermal aluminum ceramic armor implants. Mental risks don't come frequent either, don't want to stress my brain out or something and end up with a tumor or something. I do though in the mental department am risky in my jokes and insults. People affirm this at least those who know me that I have a good amount of wit. Not much risk to be had, maybe it's that lack of true risk that grounds me to mediocrity and normality?
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