Sunday, September 25, 2011

Anger Triggers

I can't say I'm a angry person atleast not anymore. I find myself more frustrated or bewildered than ever angry. It's too much trouble in my opinion to be angry and it's unhealthy as it strains your heart. My anger has always been a sort of silent rage that never comes out, it builds and builds and I thought would one day soon come out but after Charlie Sheen's meltdown I've refocused it sort of my own battle against the trolls. I no longer will be affected by the "trolls" and get angry because that's not "winning". I'm determined now on my own "crazy train" to not stop for any trolls while enroute or after I arrive at my destination.
What does make me angry though is intolerance, elitism, and instigators. Intolerance one of the world's big problems does strike a nerve. It makes no sense to me that people can't just accept that their are other belief systems and nationalities, without them we wouldn't have many of the things we have today. Elitism I'm not fond of either especially royalty or those with self appointed status of that figure themselves better than others. A crown or status doesn't mean your worth anything. Instigators I'm not a fan of either, they start problems for no reason, they bully others for personal satisfaction. They are one of the "trolls" who I try to not pay any mind to.
I can control my anger pretty well, when ever angry I usually just end up laughing which sort of calms me down somehow as in my mind they're bursting into flames. I've never really lost it on someone, I've wanted to but something just stops me.
If I could advise those who get angry I must advise them to just stop and let it pass, words cant hurt you and the people who anger you will get satisfaction from the response and it's not worth spending time on instigators.

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